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Fetal Medicine & General Ultrasound

Fetal Medicine & General Ultrasound is a branch of medicine that comprises the assessment of Fatal growth and wellbeing, the maintenance of Fatal health and the diagnosis of Fatal diseases and deviations.As prenatal diagnosis has improved, so has our ability to identify problems before birth. Therefore, the fetus is progressively becoming aself-determining individual, and Fetal Medicine & General Ultrasound is the forte that addresses this โ€œUnborn Patientโ€.

Fetal medicine is a moderately new specialty that often needs the proficiency and input from numerous Specialists, including Obstetricians, Perinatologists (also named maternal โ€“ Fatal  medicine specialists), Neonatologists, Paediatric Cardiologists, Pediatric Surgical Experts, Geneticists and others. Fatal  medicine can be arbitrarily detached into two branches: Prenatal Diagnosis and Fatal  Treatment. Prenatal diagnosis is the ever-improving aptitude to perceive abnormal conditions of the fetus (and to differentiate them from normal Fatal  development). The most common (and regularly first) test used for prenatal diagnosis is ultrasound.

  • A vast range of conditions treated are:
  • Intrauterine transfusion
  • Fetoscopic laser photocoagulation for TTTS
  • Radio frequency ablation for monochorionic pregnancies
  • Fatal shunt placement
  • Amniotic band resection
  • Ex-utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT)
  • Selective Embryo Reduction

Why Dr. M. Inthu?

Dr. M. Inthu, offering a whole and ample foetal programme from the pre-pregnancy stage till the birth of the baby. She isthe best doctor in Chennai, India acceptance an โ€˜all in oneโ€™ maternal foetal care.

She have a team of extremely specialised Fatal  medicine doctors at Chennai with outstanding clinical skills to provide special care for women experiencing high-risk pregnancies with medical problems (diabetes, high bp, asthma, etc) or pregnancies with manifold gestations, premature labour and other problems.

She offer help in planning future pregnancies for women with medical complications which might complicate their pregnancy and for women with preceding pregnancies with unfavourable outcomes.