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Breast Lift or Enhancement

This is a very general procedure done for increasing the size of small sized breasts. A small breast typically gives a feeling of incompleteness and low self regard. Breast enhancement by way of implants is a general method. Silicone implants are of two types.

  1. Gel filled which gives a soft to firm steadiness and
  2. Saline filled.


  • Practically fast procedure typically a daycare procedure results.
  • Best and exchange solution

Fat transfer with the body jet method is a novel method for enhancing the size of the breast without the beyond mentioned risks. The patient also has an advantage of getting rid of unwanted body fat from assured areas at the same time. Fat cells are harvested along with stem cells, filtered and transferred gives an outstanding and contour and long term result. Additionally there are no scars, breast feeding is not affected and above all โ€“ no risk of cancer

  • Breast augmentation can โ€“
  • Enlarge the completeness and projection of a womanโ€™s breasts
  • Improve the steadiness of a personโ€™s figure
  • Improve the self-image and self-confidence of an individual

Theย Breast Lift or Enhancementย used for the surgery may too be used to reconstruct a breast after an injury. But, Breast Lift or Enhancementย does not accurate breasts, which are cruelly drooping. A breast lift surgery in conjunction with breast augmentation is the right option if a female wants the breasts to be lifted and look fuller.

Breast Lift or Enhancementย surgery can often be done at the same time of breast augmentation or it may need a separate operation. The plastic surgeon usually assists the patient in making the verdict.

Any woman can undergo the breast increase if โ€“

-She is physically fit

-She has realistic expectations

-Her breasts are fully developed

-She feels that her breasts are also small and that bothers her

-She is displeased with the breasts losing shape and volume gone pregnancy or weight loss, or with aging

-The breasts differ in size or shape

-One or both the breasts failed to develop usually

Dr.Inthu M is a well knowledge surgeon who has several years of experience in cosmetic surgery. She was actively involved in the management of different aesthetic surgeries like liposuction (including large volume), rhinoplasty, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), breast reduction, facelift, botox, breast augmentation, penile enlargement, cosmetic corrections of the lady genitalia, post partum cosmetic surgeries, maxillo facial fracture corrections, minor and major facial injuries etc