C section delivery charges in Chennai
Maaya Spcialty Hospitals offers the best C section delivery at the best C section delivery charges in Chennai. We are the best maternity hospital for Normal & Cesarean Delivery, High Risk Pregnancy Care and New Born Baby Care in Chennai, India. Our hospital specializes in painless normal caesarean sections in a comfortable atmosphere. Each patient is treated individually under the careful guidance of the Dr. Inthu M, the chief of the hospital.
It will give you the feel of your own bedroom. Maaya Spcialty Hospitals provides all patients with a state-of-the-art delivery room for comfortable labor and delivery.
Equipment for monitoring the fetal heart is connected to a central monitor, pulse oximeter, and neonatal resuscitation equipment. Throughout the course of labor, patients are cared for in a single air-conditioned delivery room, regardless of admission category. High-risk pregnancies receive excellent care, and instrumentation and cesarean section facilities are available to them 24/7. A well-equipped “Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)” is staffed by 24-hour consulting pediatrician. Attend all deliveries while on duty.
What is C-Section?
The Caesarean Section or C-section is used to deliver a baby by performing a surgical incision in the abdomen and uterus. Certain complications in pregnancy may require planning for a cesarean section. Women who have had a caesarean section may have another caesarean section.
Objectives of C-Section
Caesarean delivery may be recommended for women with certain health conditions, such as heart or brain disorders, or if there is a blockage. Other reasons include a large fibroid blocking the birth canal, a fractured pelvis, or a baby condition that can cause the head to grow abnormally (severe hydrocephalus). Maaya Specialty Hospitals provides the best C-section procedure at the best C section cost in Chennai.
How is C section delivery procedure performed?
In a cesarean section, a gynecologist or obstetrician makes an incision in the abdomen and uterus while the mother receives a spinal anesthetic. General anesthesia during caesarean section is not used. Dr. Inthu M is a top OB-Gyn, gynecologist, obstetrician, and laparoscopic gynic surgeon in Chennai offering the best C-section operation at the best C section delivery charges in Chennai. The cost of caesarean sections in India varies greatly. It ranges from 70,000 to 200,000 INR.