C Section Cost in Chennai
What is C Section?
Caesarean section or C Section or Caesarean delivery is an operation in which an incision (cut) is made in the abdomen (stomach) and the uterus (womb) to deliver the baby. Caesarean sections can be planned in advance (elective) or emergency (unplanned) when problems occur during labor and delivery. C section delivery is performed when normal vaginal delivery fails or is found to be risky for the mother or baby or in case the pregnant woman is unable to tolerate the labor pain.
The average C section cost in Chennai varies between INR 40500/- to INR 138900/- for General Ward. However, In the case of semi-private and private rooms with reasonable facilities, C-Section delivery charges start from INR 42200/- to INR 171000/-.The cost of C section delivery depends on the following factors-
Causes of Planned or Elective C-Section Delivery
Dr. Inthu M
Best Lady Gynecologist in Chennai
Dr. Inthu M is considered as the best lady gynecologist in Chennai for C section delivery offering services at the best C section cost in Chennai in Maaya Specialty Hospital. It is regarded as the best hospital for maternity in Chennai providing high-class healthcare services to women who are facing, infertility issues, pregnancy and reproductive stage issues.